My heart will pretend it loves you for a while If you write poetry and are even passably handsome Which is really the sound of everything slowly Lastly, here’s ‘nothing’ by Andrew McMillan, who, as you see, is a poet who tends to use spacing instead of conventional punctuation. (I have the same approach to language learning). There is probably (of course there must be!) an easier, quicker way to achieve this layout (and if you’d like to share your tips and shortcuts, do please leave a comment below) but I’m a great believer in using what I know to get by.
#How to do first line indent in word 2017 code
Once it was right for one line, I copied and pasted the code into the next line to save time. In ‘Text’ Editor, I added the code as many times as I needed to achieve the desired spacing. Here’s how I created the layout I wanted for this poem using the basic computer code mentioned above. OK, this is a little more complicated as you’ll see that every other line of the poem is indented. Has polished the grain, this is not good, Next up, ‘Something Understood’ by Edward Doegar. This is a straightforward layout, text is flush against the left hand margin, there are no stanza breaks or extra spaces between words on the same line. In matching turquoise shorts because it was Park-bench thigh-marked, waiting for you to finish your Plastic bag jellyfish sculled the pier’s shadows.

On white juice-soggy in their teeth-setting silverfoil. The cries of seagulls smell of salmon sandwiches. In case you’re not clear what I’m talking about, I’ll give you three examples of poems with different layouts. There is more indepth, technical info at WordPress Support – this post for example – but, generally, the above two tips work for me all the time.